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03 9360 9322


4 Jennings St, Laverton VIC 3028

Senior Secondary

I plan, I decide and I apply.

As students complete their final years of schooling, the Senior Years work towards further developing students’ experiences and exposure beyond their immediate surroundings and community.  The curriculum focus prioritises the consolidation of skill development through various functional and applied programs. 
Students explore interests and passions that can be transferred and applied to post- school options.  Students deepen their understanding of subjects and gain hands on experiences that they find meaningful and relevant to their lives as an active community member and potential worker. There is a focus on the development of suitable pathways for students that will equip them with the skills and knowledge they will need as young adults beyond school. 

Throughout their time in Senior Secondary, students are encouraged to take on a greater responsibility for self and others through individual and team activities. Independence is promoted in practical life skills programs, including self-care routines, personal safety and problem solving. Students are assisted to further develop their skills related to self-management and self-regulation in a variety of community or employment-based settings and situations. Families and students are supported to set personal goals, make informed decisions and advocate for their needs, preparing for independence in adulthood.

Our Programs

The Learning Disciplines include:
  • English
  • Maths
  • Inquiry Based Learning; Science, Geography, History and / or Civics and Citizenship
Competencies developed include:
  • Personal and Social Capabilities
  • Critical and Creative Thinking