03 9360 9322
4 Jennings St, Laverton VIC 3028
The Early Years stage supports laying the foundations for our students' schooling journey. We aim to provide students with the skills to navigate their school day successfully and participate in a way that makes them successful learners.
The curriculum focus includes building social skills, communication, and supporting co-regulation. It starts with a welcoming environment where students feel safe and valued with staff actively listening to the variety of ways our students communicate. This acknowledges that the building blocks of Early Years are establishing trusting relationships and symbolic communication through play. This extends to building the emotional and social development of our students through co-regulation. Techniques and strategies are modelled to, taught and selected for students to build their emotional vocabulary and understanding.
Students are introduced to the expectations of what it means to be an academic learner. Following the routines at school is a new skill for many of our Early Years students. Staff provide consistent structure to develop security and stability. As these routines become well-established, Students develop an understanding of classroom expectations, increase independence and confidence to take into their next stage of learning.
The Learning Disciplines includes:
| Specialist Programs include:
| Competencies developed include: