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03 9360 9322


4 Jennings St, Laverton VIC 3028

Principal's Welcome

It is both a privilege and an honour to lead this vibrant and thriving community at Jennings Street School. I am proud to say that our students love coming to school - a genuine reflection of our positive and supportive learning culture. Entering our 7th year in operation our vision for learning, together with our priorities, hinge on the school values of Respect, Safety and Learning. Our learning pillars embrace evidence-based Autism Interventions, Academic Skills, Communication and Personal and Social Learning. These areas highlight essential teachings for our students with autism, to support them to thrive in life.

A large team of therapists provide expert knowledge in complementary disciplines to assist teachers with dynamic and collaborative approaches to learning.

Our core objectives are to:

  • Maximize the communication skills and competencies so that every student reaches their potential in expressive development.
  • Deliver every student the opportunity to participate optimally in society by providing them with knowledge, understandings and tools to support their management of self, and ability to socially interact with others.
  • Develop the independence of every student to support their functionality beyond school and in the community.
  • Provide all students with learning opportunities and experiences that will enable them to access work and further education.

Our Student wellbeing Team has diverse and strategic representation to efficiently monitor and support the complex wellbeing needs of our students and families.

We value a strong and supportive partnership with our parent community and welcome opportunities to share and include them in the learning partnership.

Rosie Hayes
