03 9360 9322
4 Jennings St, Laverton VIC 3028
As students embark on their secondary years of education the emphasis shifts to preparing them with the skills and knowledge for young adulthood. Learning activities are linked to the Victorian Curriculum at appropriate and differentiated learning levels to discover students’ strengths and interests. They are supported to develop a positive self-image that provides the foundation for optimistic pathway planning. They explore the social and interpersonal skills required in their future life. As students move through Junior Secondary, they focus on the contribution that personal attributes and effective communication skills make in applied learning contexts and activities. Increased subject tasters, projects and structured experiences help them to discover and explore personal interests and build skills that align to becoming an active member of their school and local community. As they progress, students learn how to contribute to and participate within these communities.
Collaboration between school staff, families and students is a priority. Knowledge that these key stakeholders acquire are shared and constitute the basis for future planning discussions.
In the Senior Years of Schooling the interests of students diversify. An Electives Program provides students with increased exposure to a broad range of learning experiences. Electives at Jennings Street School will provide opportunities for hands on learning in areas such as Health and Human Development, food technology, visual and performing arts, technology and electronics. These creative pursuits will support students to plan educational pathways. Contact Us | ![]() |
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