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03 9360 9322


4 Jennings St, Laverton VIC 3028

Middle Years

Building Breadth and Depth

Students in the Middle Years of Schooling are approaching adolescence. This represents an important stage of development as students attempt to negotiate their world, further develop their skills as independent learners and take increased responsibility for their actions. The physical and emotional changes associated with adolescence often contribute to heightened anxiety particularly for students with autism.

At Jennings Street School, the core curriculum includes English, Reading, Writing, Maths and Health and Physical Education. Inquiry based learning will integrate learning content across disciplines to promote increased engagement in the curriculum, develop and challenge thinking skills. Personal and Interpersonal development is central to our teaching as we promote communication and positive social skills in order for students to self manage, resolve problems, work with others, negotiate social networks and develop increased autonomy.

Learning will include hands on experiences allowing students to make meaning from doing. Application of skills and knowledge through applied learning contexts within the school and local community will provide opportunities for students to increase independence, inter dependence and pre-requisite skills and knowledge necessary to operate in the world.

Extra Curricula Programs:

In the Middle Years of Schooling the interests of students diversify. An Electives Program provides students with increased exposure to a broad range of learning experiences. Electives at Jennings Street School will provide opportunities for hands on learning in areas such as Health and Human Development, food technology, visual and performing arts, technology and electronics. These creative pursuits will support students to plan educational pathways in readiness for the later years of schooling.

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